Sunday, July 17, 2011

The World's Highest IQs.

One possible way to measure genius is in terms of raw intelligence.  This raw intelligence can be measured by an IQ test.  The following is a list of the world's highest IQs.  You will note that some of the highest IQs had few accomplishments while others included some of the greatest geniuses ever known to man.

infinite  Jesus Christ
250-300 - William James Sidis had a predicted IQ of 250-300
210 - Physicist / Engineer Kim Ung-yong has a verified IQ of 210
195 - Bouncer Christopher Michael Langan has a verified IQ of 195
190 - Engineer Philip Emeagwali is alleged to have an IQ of 190
190 - World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov is alleged to have an IQ of 190
190 Isaac Newton
190 - Francois-Marie Arouet (Voltaire)
190 - Ludwig Wittgenstein
186 - Author Marilyn Vos Savant has a verified IQ of 186
180 - Leonardo da Vinci
180 - Actor James Woods is alleged to have an IQ of 180
180 - Buonarroti Michelangelo
180 - David Hume
180 - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is alleged to have an IQ of 180
180 - Politician John H. Sununu is alleged to have an IQ of 180
179 - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
176 - Emanuel Swedenborg
176 - Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
175 - Edmund Spenser
175 - Baruch Spinoza
175 - Johannes Kepler
174 - John Stuart Mill
171 - Blaise Pascal
170 - Antoine Lavoisier
170 - Martin Luther
170 - World Chess Champion Bobby Fischer is alleged to have an IQ of 167
170 - Chess Grandmaster Robert Byrne is alleged to have an IQ of 170
170 - World Chess Champion Judith Polgar is alleged to have an IQ of 170
170 - Mathematician Andrew Wiles is alleged to have an IQ of 170
170 - Michael Faraday
170 - George Friedrich Handel
167 - Mathematician / Physicist Stephen W. Hawking is alleged to have an IQ of over 160
165 - Samuel Johnson
165 - Ludwig van Beethoven
165 - Joseph Priestley
165 - John Locke
165 - Thomas Hobbes
165 - Charlotte Bronte
165 - Galileo Galilei
165 - Johann Sebastian Bach
165 - Carl von Linne
162 - Madame De Stael
162 - Rene Descartes
160 - Robert Boyle
160 - Microsoft Founder Paul Allen is alleged to have an IQ of over 160
160 - Benjamin Franklin
160 - Albert Einstein
159 - Immanuel Kant
156 - Olof Palme
156 - Thomas Chatterton
156 - Linus Carl Pauling
156 - Sofia Kovalevskaya
155 - Jonathan Swift
155 - Miguel de Cervantes
155 - Rembrandt van Rijn
154 - Actress Sharon Stone is alleged to have an IQ of 154
153 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
153 - Charles Darwin
150 - George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans)
150 - Nicolaus Copernicus
150 - Abraham 
145 - Anna Lindh
145 - Napoleon Bonaparte
143 - George Sand (Aurore Dupin)
140 - George Washington
130 - Ulysses S. Grant
130 - Sir Francis Drake

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Several Notes and Trends.

First, the masses are coming.  1 billion people have used the internet now and the masses are taking over at an unprecedented rate.  The internet is no longer safe and a new form of social Darwinism has taken over.  Atheism is also spreading and your thoughts are now crimes.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Three Possible Universes.

There are three possible universes.  The first is the Christian (or theist) universe which was spoken into existence at t =0 through a Big Bang explosion and has since been expanding outward.  Such a universe will become self aware when human life is created within it.  And such a universe will expand outwards until it reaches a situation of maximum e ntropy and die in a heat death apocalypse.  The second possibility is that there is no deity and that the universe is eternal.  The third possibility is a diabolical universe created by a Demiurge at t = 0.  Such a Demiurge would not be the Christian deity but a blind creator as maintained by the gnostic heretics.