Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Death of the World.

The spiritual utopia as dreamed of by the mystics is at the furthest point from present reality.  Sacred Scripture teaches that because of the Fall from Grace the lot of mankind is to toil and suffer in this life so as to be rewarded in the next.  However, with the rise of the brave new world and the elimination of religion this has been replaced by a hedonistic imperative in which all references to past human suffering have been eliminated.  Sacred Scripture and the history of mankind reveal man's inner pathos and suffering.  Christ himself was to suffer and die upon the Cross.  But this is deemed politically incorrect and thus must be purged from all recorded history in the brave new world era.  Thus, what is left is a cold dead world of superficiality and meaningless made obsolete by the technological explosion.  This world is most anathema to the survival of man's immortal soul, as explained in all religious accounts of humankind.