Saturday, June 4, 2011

A World Without Christianity?

I am fairly convinced that our elite envision a world without Christianity.  Western Christianity has become severely weakened.  While the dominant form of religion throughout most of the history of the West and well into the nineteenth century, a new form of society has taken its place.  This society however is not based on the scientism as envisioned at one time by positivists and other prophets of decline, but rather a society of immoral hedonism and nihilism.  Even avid promoters of modern atheism rarely offer anything more substantive than a superficial attempt to promote their hedonism and the nihilism that has taken over Western society.  Nevertheless, despite these serious losses for the spiritual basis underpinning society at one time not too long ago, Christian churches continue to exist and hold steadfast in certain areas (and are even growing in South America and China under severe persecution).  The West appears to be lost to us, as predicted from Spengler's decline theories long ago.  What has taken its place is a nihilistic hyper consumerist hell.

The elite, not content with their current rule, have decided to continue to go back into the past and hunt down the few remaining vestiges of true Christianity within their society.  They falsely blame religion and mostly Christianity in particular for past atrocities, rehashing past events and even events in the far distant past such as the Crusades and the Spanish Inqusition (both exagerated and exploited).  What would a world without Christianity be like?  We are largely witnessing its effects and it is a horrible thing to see take place.

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