Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Ghost of the Departed Universe.

According to theories, the universe will expand until it reaches a natural death in maximum entropy.  At this point, the temperature of the universe will reach absolute zero and all matter in the universe will be spread to its thinnest point.  In understanding human death and decay, it is often pointed out that it is possible for the human consciousness or personality to somehow survive bodily death.  This idea exists in many of the world's religious traditions and was used in a book by the same name by the Victorian thinker F. W. H. Myers.  At one time, in the Victorian era (about the same time when ideas of entropy began coming to the forefront of science), spiritualism was respectable and scientific organizations such as the Society for Psychical Research investigated these phenomena.  This gave rise to an entire science of "ghosts".  When the universe reaches its zenith it will have expanded until it reaches a final static state of maximum entropy.  This state will be the last state of the universe.  In such a state, the universe will no longer exist but as an empty shell, a ghost of a departed universe.  It is often asked whether there could not be multiple universes (unobservable multiple universes) as postulated in modern cosmology.  Such universes could include "ghost universes", i.e. departed universes that exist in an empty and static state.  What would happen to these universe ghosts?  Could they continue to exist indefinitely in an empty heaven?

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