Thursday, May 26, 2011

Everything They Warned Us About Has Come to Pass.

In examining the world of today, we can see that nearly everything they warned us about has come to pass.  Conservatives early on warned us of the dangers of postmodernism and relativism.  There was always the fear that the academic gobbledygook that passed for critical intelligence would eventually take over all the rest of society.  Conservatives warned against relativists who maintained that there was no truth and ironists who did likewise.  With today's internet there is no longer a truth in that all views are now seen as equal.  Libertarians always warned that eventually psychiatry would take over.  While this always seemed an absurd fear long ago when psychiatry was solely used to treat severe cases of schizophrenia, today's psychiatry is light years beyond this original intention.  Luddites warned us of the dangers of computers and technology.  Today's computers are so advanced and with the internet an entirely new mob mind is made possible.

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