Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Real Loser in Today's Society - Social Conservativism.

In today's political battles there are two seperate sides which seem to have taken prominence referring to themselves as the left and the right. However, what this battle seems to be mostly about is economics.  While it is certainly possible and indeed highly likely that the right or a politically correct form of economic libertarianism might win the battle against economic socialism, what remains lost for certain is the old form of social conservativism.  In fact, to even bring up ideas that were only mildly or moderately considered socially conservative a few years ago is to have oneself branded a bigot or a malcontent.  Such ideas simply no longer have any place in polite discourse.  In terms of economics it may actually make more sense to support the losing economic left which opposes the corporations than the social Darwinist economic right. To bring up one example, not that long ago in America even something such as divorce was illegal, but to even maintain such an idea today would get one labelled a bigot and throw out of society.  The old social values of the World War II generation appear to have been lost by this rotten greedy generation.  So essentially there are two politically correct parties that differ only on the value of economics.

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