Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Raping of the Past.

One of my principle objects to, Jeff Bezos, and the internet in general is that it allows for the systematic raping of the past. By allowing anyone to post a review for any material, certain books which contain profound thoughts or which dealt with past events are being plundered.  I view much of this activity and the top reviewers as similar to Spanish conquistadores who raped and plundered much of the New World that they found here.  In addition, past attocities such as the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, and the Nazi tyranny are not laid to rest by systematically plundered again by a young and ruthless generation.  This raping of the past must be allowed to stop before we destroy our entire heritage.  Further, there are many old souls whose remains are being plundered anew by the cyber archeologists and thugs and who need be allowed to rest in peace.

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