Friday, February 17, 2012

The Abuse and Persecution of Insanity.

Throughout history there have been various persecutions carried out by authority figures against dissidents and heretics.  Perhaps the best known persecutions carried out by authority figures were those made against heretics and witches in the early medieval period.  The witch craze was continued in the United States when puritans singled out women as witches to be tried.  In the United States persecutions were pursued in the twentieth century first against communists and anarchists in the Red scare, then against fascists in the Brown scare, and again against communists under McCarthyism.  In any society, various individuals may adopt postures counter to the prevailing trends and customs.  Often these individuals are eccentrics and often harmless though quite frequently harrassed.  Mental illness has become a defined concept and eccentrics are frequently labelled as mentally ill if their behaviors become inappropriate.  For example, Ezra Pound was to engage in acts of treason against the United States  government in his support for Fascism under Mussolini.  For this he was determined to be insane.  Too often then, insanity is used simply as a way to get rid of dissidents as opposed to a clinical definition rooted in biological disorder.

In recent times a new coalition has formed that advocates liberalism.  All American institutions are liberal and the establishment is liberal.  To be part of the establishment is to be considered a liberal.  However, in modern times individuals who dissent from the establishment are now persecuted and labelled insane.   Some of this persecution exists in the form of sensitivity training especially against racists or those who do not adhere to a liberal principle.  The religious are now an especial target for being labelled insane as their beliefs are claimed to be un-scientific. Science has taken up a new persecutory zeal against "pseudo-science" which it has done ever since it became codified and professionalized but has recently continued to do.

Ironically, however, one group remains immune to the charge of insanity and that is homosexuals.  While during the Victorian era homosexuality was a crime, leading to many famous trials including those of Oscar Wilde, today homosexuality has become normified behavior.  During the Victorian era homosexuals such as Wilde were daring aesthetes, today too often they are bland and boring individuals who make excessive demands upon the heterosexual majority.  Today's homosexuals are armed with a vindictive agenda of victimization, especially against Christians in that they see Christianity as the principle obstacle to their agenda.  Today's homosexual lobby is powerful and even the president of the United States, the U.S. military, and important leaders in business including the CEO of Goldman Sachs are now homosexual advocates.  In older times homosexuality was seen as immoral and sinful.  This was replaced by the view that homosexuals were mentally ill which existed until the 1970s when under pressure from homosexual lobbies, homosexuality was purged from the list of mental illnesses.  Today, not homosexuality but homophobia is seen as the mental illness.  This shows the increasing strain trends have posed and the gradual decline of society under liberalism as today's culture reflects a bizarre liberal ideation.  Ironically, then it is not homosexuals which are seen as mentally ill but rather the outside society and especially Christians in today's society.

One group that is never considered is solitaries or single heterosexuals.  These individuals are by far the most hated of all groups and frequently condemned to insanity for no reason at all.

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