Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Dead Worldview Promoted by Modern Computers and the Internet.

One of the earliest criticisms of the development of computers is that they resolved upon calculative reasoning (reduced to its simplest form that of binary notation) and thus could not adequately reflect the true capacities of human consciousness despite the fact that they could be programmed to perform calculative feats.  As programming developed however these criticisms seem to begin to pale as computers became more advanced.  However with this progress, it should be noted that computers became easier and easier to use.   One no longer had to know how to program them or even how they worked (or today even much of anything) to be able to use one.  With the rise of the mass internet in the 90s, the role of blogs and information sites such as amazon.com and wikipedia, programming seemed to be cast aside in favor of social networking and mostly discussion of politics.  On these sites, you can see countless individuals spending days at a time arguing politics, including being excessively nasty to each other and saying things that would ordinarily likely result in fights or even physical violence all unsupressed by moderates of such sites.  Facebook is an even newer innovation that is supposed to be used for social networking but too often leads to a voyeuristic type of society in which anyone can witness your thoughts and activities.  This has led to complicated issues.  Further, the openness of internet forums and comment sections to the entire society has led to both the role of mob behavior and mass stupidity as well as the rise of a criminal class.  One thing I notice about these recent developments in computers is that they pose a dead worldview to society.

The early criticisms of computers which became more expressed as computers became more complicated and thus perhaps capable of challenging our absolute superiority, are now no longer expressed.  These early critics would today appear as unkempt luddites.  However, with the advent of the internet, the role of television (and the increasing similarity of the internet to television on a mass scale), and other issues, the criticisms of the early luddites may become more important.  I notice that the internet poses a dead world view.  Human life is reduced to that of money when politics is argued.  Further, comments reduce individuals to words on a screen and their entire being becomes stored as a comment in a social networking site.  Many of the comments are violent and would likely result in physical violence in the real world.  On sites such as amazon.com reviews for books not only reveal the contents of old and important books, but have become disgraceful, nasty, uncouth, and a chance for anyone to pursue a hateful agenda or campaign.  Peoples reputations have been ruined by these events.  This further adds to the disgraceful climate of the internet.  But worse, I believe these internet companies are promoting a dead worldview.  With the rise of atheism and materialism which seem ubiquitous on the internet, we can see how the dead worldview has become encapsulated.  Further, most mainstream internet sites seem to be promoting a form of Social Darwinism and human life is no longer a main value for modern society.  Challenges proposed by issues such as war and overpopulation are no longer addressed.  Traditional Christian beliefs of mercy and justice have been replaced by stone cold and hard beliefs allowing for no deviation from set norms and no tolerance for abnormalcy.

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