Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Famous Nobel Prize Winners, Scientists, Writers, and Philosophers Who Believed in God.

The following is a list of famous individuals who believed in God.  This list is intended to refute the arguments made by atheists of their intellectual superiority.
Albert EinsteinNobel Laureate in PhysicsJewish
Max PlanckNobel Laureate in PhysicsProtestant
Erwin SchrodingerNobel Laureate in PhysicsCatholic
Werner HeisenbergNobel Laureate in PhysicsLutheran
Robert MillikanNobel Laureate in Physicsprobably Congregationalist
Charles Hard TownesNobel Laureate in PhysicsUnited Church of Christ (raised Baptist)
Arthur SchawlowNobel Laureate in PhysicsMethodist
William D. PhillipsNobel Laureate in PhysicsMethodist
William H. BraggNobel Laureate in PhysicsAnglican
Guglielmo MarconiNobel Laureate in PhysicsCatholic and Anglican
Arthur ComptonNobel Laureate in PhysicsPresbyterian
Arno PenziasNobel Laureate in PhysicsJewish
Nevill MottNobel Laureate in PhysicsAnglican
Isidor Isaac RabiNobel Laureate in PhysicsJewish
Abdus SalamNobel Laureate in PhysicsMuslim
Antony HewishNobel Laureate in PhysicsChristian (denomination?)
Joseph H. Taylor, Jr.Nobel Laureate in PhysicsQuaker
Alexis CarrelNobel Laureate in Medicine and PhysiologyCatholic
John EcclesNobel Laureate in Medicine and PhysiologyCatholic
Joseph MurrayNobel Laureate in Medicine and PhysiologyCatholic
Ernst ChainNobel Laureate in Medicine and PhysiologyJewish
George WaldNobel Laureate in Medicine and PhysiologyJewish
Ronald RossNobel Laureate in Medicine and PhysiologyChristian (denomination?)
Derek BartonNobel Laureate in ChemistryChristian (denomination?)
Christian AnfinsenNobel Laureate in ChemistryJewish
Walter KohnNobel Laureate in ChemistryJewish
Richard SmalleyNobel Laureate in ChemistryChristian (denomination?)
PART II. Nobel Writers (20-21 Century)
T.S. EliotNobel Laureate in LiteratureAnglo-Catholic (Anglican)
Rudyard KiplingNobel Laureate in LiteratureAnglican
Alexander SolzhenitsynNobel Laureate in LiteratureRussian Orthodox
François MauriacNobel Laureate in LiteratureCatholic
Hermann HesseNobel Laureate in LiteratureChristian; Buddhist?
Winston ChurchillNobel Laureate in LiteratureAnglican
Jean-Paul SartreNobel Laureate in LiteratureLutheran; Freudian; Marxist; atheist; Messianic Jew
Sigrid UndsetNobel Laureate in LiteratureCatholic (previously Lutheran)
Rabindranath TagoreNobel Laureate in LiteratureHindu
Rudolf EuckenNobel Laureate in LiteratureChristian (denomination?)
Isaac SingerNobel Laureate in LiteratureJewish
PART III. Nobel Peace Laureates (20-21 Century)
Albert SchweitzerNobel Peace Prize LaureateLutheran
Jimmy CarterNobel Peace Prize LaureateBaptist (former Southern Baptist)
Theodore RooseveltNobel Peace Prize LaureateDutch Reformed; Episcopalian
Woodrow WilsonNobel Peace Prize LaureatePresbyterian
Frederik de KlerkNobel Peace Prize LaureateDutch Reformed
Nelson MandelaNobel Peace Prize LaureateChristian (denomination?)
Kim Dae-JungNobel Peace Prize LaureateCatholic
Dag HammarskjoldNobel Peace Prize LaureateChristian (denomination?)
Martin Luther King, Jr.Nobel Peace Prize LaureateBaptist
Adolfo Perez EsquivelNobel Peace Prize LaureateCatholic
Desmond TutuNobel Peace Prize LaureateAnglican
John R. MottNobel Peace Prize Laureate Methodist
Part IV. Founders of Modern Science (16-21 Century)
Isaac NewtonFounder of Classical Physics and Infinitesimal CalculusAnglican (rejected Trinitarianism, i.e., Athanasianism;
believed in the Arianism of the Primitive Church)
Galileo GalileiFounder of Experimental PhysicsCatholic
Nicolaus CopernicusFounder of Heliocentric CosmologyCatholic (priest)
Johannes KeplerFounder of Physical Astronomy and Modern OpticsLutheran
Francis BaconFounder of the Scientific Inductive MethodAnglican
René DescartesFounder of Analytical Geometry and Modern PhilosophyCatholic
Blaise PascalFounder of Hydrostatics, Hydrodynamics,
and the Theory of Probabilities
Michael FaradayFounder of Electronics and Electro-MagneticsSandemanian
James Clerk MaxwellFounder of Statistical ThermodynamicsPresbyterian; Anglican; Baptist
Lord KelvinFounder of Thermodynamics and EnergeticsAnglican
Robert BoyleFounder of Modern ChemistryAnglican
William HarveyFounder of Modern MedicineAnglican (nominal)
John RayFounder of Modern Biology and Natural HistoryCalvinist (denomination?)
Gottfried Wilhelm LeibnizGerman Mathematician and Philosopher,
Founder of Infinitesimal Calculus
Charles DarwinFounder of the Theory of EvolutionAnglican (nominal); Unitarian
Ernst HaeckelGerman Biologist,
the Most Influential Evolutionist in Continental Europe
Thomas H. HuxleyEnglish Biologist and Evolutionist,
Famous As "Darwin's Bulldog"
Joseph J. ThomsonNobel Laureate in Physics, Discoverer of the Electron,
Founder of Atomic Physics
Louis PasteurFounder of Microbiology and ImmunologyCatholic
Part V. Great Philosophers (17-21 Century)
Immanuel KantOne of the Greatest Philosophers
in the History of Western Philosophy
Jean-Jacques RousseauFounder of Modern Deismborn Protestant;
converted as a teen to Catholic
VoltaireFrench Philosopher and Historian,
One of the Most Influential Thinkers of the Enlightenment
raised in Jansenism
David HumeScottish Empiricist Philosopher, Historian, and Economist,
Founder of Modern Skepticism
Church of Scotland (Presbyterian)
SpinozaDutch-Jewish Philosopher,
the Chief Exponent of Modern Rationalism
Judaism; later pantheism/deism
Giordano BrunoItalian Philosopher, Astronomer, and Mathematician,
Founder of the Theory of the Infinite Universe
George BerkeleyIrish Philosopher and Mathematician, Founder of Modern Idealism,
Famous as "The Precursor of Mach and Einstein"
John Stuart MillEnglish Philosopher and Economist,
the Major Exponent of Utilitarianism
agnostic; Utilitarian
Richard SwinburneOxford Professor of Philosophy,
One of the Most Influential Theistic Philosophers
PART VI. Other Religious Nobelists
60 more Nobel Prize winners are listed
(32 scientists, 17 writers, 11 Nobel Nobel Peace Laureates)
PART VII. Nobelists, Philosophers, and Scientists on Jesus
Quotes by 16 individuals about their beliefs about Jesus
- Alexis Carrel
- Albert Einstein
- Arthur Compton
- Robert Millikan
- Francois Mauriac
- Sigrid Undset
- T.S. Eliot
- Mother Theresa
- Albert Schweitzer
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Frederik de Klerk
- John R. Mott
- Kim Dae-Jung
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Jimmy Carter
- Blaise Pascal

Albert EinsteinNobel Laureate in PhysicsJewish
Max PlanckNobel Laureate in PhysicsProtestant
Erwin SchrodingerNobel Laureate in PhysicsCatholic
Werner HeisenbergNobel Laureate in PhysicsLutheran
Robert MillikanNobel Laureate in Physicsprobably Congregationalist
Charles Hard TownesNobel Laureate in PhysicsUnited Church of Christ (raised Baptist)
Arthur SchawlowNobel Laureate in PhysicsMethodist
William D. PhillipsNobel Laureate in PhysicsMethodist
William H. BraggNobel Laureate in PhysicsAnglican
Guglielmo MarconiNobel Laureate in PhysicsCatholic and Anglican
Arthur ComptonNobel Laureate in PhysicsPresbyterian
Arno PenziasNobel Laureate in PhysicsJewish
Nevill MottNobel Laureate in PhysicsAnglican
Isidor Isaac RabiNobel Laureate in PhysicsJewish
Abdus SalamNobel Laureate in PhysicsMuslim
Antony HewishNobel Laureate in PhysicsChristian (denomination?)
Joseph H. Taylor, Jr.Nobel Laureate in PhysicsQuaker
Alexis CarrelNobel Laureate in Medicine and PhysiologyCatholic
John EcclesNobel Laureate in Medicine and PhysiologyCatholic
Joseph MurrayNobel Laureate in Medicine and PhysiologyCatholic
Ernst ChainNobel Laureate in Medicine and PhysiologyJewish
George WaldNobel Laureate in Medicine and PhysiologyJewish
Ronald RossNobel Laureate in Medicine and PhysiologyChristian (denomination?)
Derek BartonNobel Laureate in ChemistryChristian (denomination?)
Christian AnfinsenNobel Laureate in ChemistryJewish
Walter KohnNobel Laureate in ChemistryJewish
Richard SmalleyNobel Laureate in ChemistryChristian (denomination?)
PART II. Nobel Writers (20-21 Century)
T.S. EliotNobel Laureate in LiteratureAnglo-Catholic (Anglican)
Rudyard KiplingNobel Laureate in LiteratureAnglican
Alexander SolzhenitsynNobel Laureate in LiteratureRussian Orthodox
François MauriacNobel Laureate in LiteratureCatholic
Hermann HesseNobel Laureate in LiteratureChristian; Buddhist?
Winston ChurchillNobel Laureate in LiteratureAnglican
Jean-Paul SartreNobel Laureate in LiteratureLutheran; Freudian; Marxist; atheist; Messianic Jew
Sigrid UndsetNobel Laureate in LiteratureCatholic (previously Lutheran)
Rabindranath TagoreNobel Laureate in LiteratureHindu
Rudolf EuckenNobel Laureate in LiteratureChristian (denomination?)
Isaac SingerNobel Laureate in LiteratureJewish
PART III. Nobel Peace Laureates (20-21 Century)
Albert SchweitzerNobel Peace Prize LaureateLutheran
Jimmy CarterNobel Peace Prize LaureateBaptist (former Southern Baptist)
Theodore RooseveltNobel Peace Prize LaureateDutch Reformed; Episcopalian
Woodrow WilsonNobel Peace Prize LaureatePresbyterian
Frederik de KlerkNobel Peace Prize LaureateDutch Reformed
Nelson MandelaNobel Peace Prize LaureateChristian (denomination?)
Kim Dae-JungNobel Peace Prize LaureateCatholic
Dag HammarskjoldNobel Peace Prize LaureateChristian (denomination?)
Martin Luther King, Jr.Nobel Peace Prize LaureateBaptist
Adolfo Perez EsquivelNobel Peace Prize LaureateCatholic
Desmond TutuNobel Peace Prize LaureateAnglican
John R. MottNobel Peace Prize Laureate Methodist
Part IV. Founders of Modern Science (16-21 Century)
Isaac NewtonFounder of Classical Physics and Infinitesimal CalculusAnglican (rejected Trinitarianism, i.e., Athanasianism;
believed in the Arianism of the Primitive Church)
Galileo GalileiFounder of Experimental PhysicsCatholic
Nicolaus CopernicusFounder of Heliocentric CosmologyCatholic (priest)
Johannes KeplerFounder of Physical Astronomy and Modern OpticsLutheran
Francis BaconFounder of the Scientific Inductive MethodAnglican
René DescartesFounder of Analytical Geometry and Modern PhilosophyCatholic
Blaise PascalFounder of Hydrostatics, Hydrodynamics,
and the Theory of Probabilities
Michael FaradayFounder of Electronics and Electro-MagneticsSandemanian
James Clerk MaxwellFounder of Statistical ThermodynamicsPresbyterian; Anglican; Baptist
Lord KelvinFounder of Thermodynamics and EnergeticsAnglican
Robert BoyleFounder of Modern ChemistryAnglican
William HarveyFounder of Modern MedicineAnglican (nominal)
John RayFounder of Modern Biology and Natural HistoryCalvinist (denomination?)
Gottfried Wilhelm LeibnizGerman Mathematician and Philosopher,
Founder of Infinitesimal Calculus
Charles DarwinFounder of the Theory of EvolutionAnglican (nominal); Unitarian
Ernst HaeckelGerman Biologist,
the Most Influential Evolutionist in Continental Europe
Thomas H. HuxleyEnglish Biologist and Evolutionist,
Famous As "Darwin's Bulldog"
Joseph J. ThomsonNobel Laureate in Physics, Discoverer of the Electron,
Founder of Atomic Physics
Louis PasteurFounder of Microbiology and ImmunologyCatholic
Part V. Great Philosophers (17-21 Century)
Immanuel KantOne of the Greatest Philosophers
in the History of Western Philosophy
Jean-Jacques RousseauFounder of Modern Deismborn Protestant;
converted as a teen to Catholic
VoltaireFrench Philosopher and Historian,
One of the Most Influential Thinkers of the Enlightenment
raised in Jansenism
David HumeScottish Empiricist Philosopher, Historian, and Economist,
Founder of Modern Skepticism
Church of Scotland (Presbyterian)
SpinozaDutch-Jewish Philosopher,
the Chief Exponent of Modern Rationalism
Judaism; later pantheism/deism
Giordano BrunoItalian Philosopher, Astronomer, and Mathematician,
Founder of the Theory of the Infinite Universe
George BerkeleyIrish Philosopher and Mathematician, Founder of Modern Idealism,
Famous as "The Precursor of Mach and Einstein"
John Stuart MillEnglish Philosopher and Economist,
the Major Exponent of Utilitarianism
agnostic; Utilitarian
Richard SwinburneOxford Professor of Philosophy,
One of the Most Influential Theistic Philosophers
PART VI. Other Religious Nobelists
60 more Nobel Prize winners are listed
(32 scientists, 17 writers, 11 Nobel Nobel Peace Laureates)
PART VII. Nobelists, Philosophers, and Scientists on Jesus
Quotes by 16 individuals about their beliefs about Jesus
- Alexis Carrel
- Albert Einstein
- Arthur Compton
- Robert Millikan
- Francois Mauriac
- Sigrid Undset
- T.S. Eliot
- Mother Theresa
- Albert Schweitzer
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Frederik de Klerk
- John R. Mott
- Kim Dae-Jung
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Jimmy Carter
- Blaise Pascal

Nobel Prize Winners in Science.

Nobel Prize Winners in Physics.

Albert Einstein
Max Planck Nobel Laureate in Physics Protestant
Erwin Schrodinger Nobel Laureate in Physics Catholic
Werner Heisenberg Nobel Laureate in Physics Lutheran
Robert Millikan Nobel Laureate in Physics probably Congregationalist 
Charles Hard Townes Nobel Laureate in Physics United Church of Christ (raised Baptist)
Arthur Schawlow Nobel Laureate in Physics Methodist
William D. Phillips Nobel Laureate in Physics Methodist
William H. Bragg Nobel Laureate in Physics Anglican
Guglielmo Marconi Nobel Laureate in Physics Catholic and Anglican
Arthur Compton Nobel Laureate in Physics Presbyterian
Arno Penzias Nobel Laureate in Physics Jewish
Nevill Mott Nobel Laureate in Physics Anglican
Isidor Isaac Rabi Nobel Laureate in Physics Jewish
Abdus Salam Nobel Laureate in Physics Muslim
Antony Hewish Nobel Laureate in Physics Christian (denomination?)
Joseph H. Taylor, Jr. Nobel Laureate in Physics Quaker

Nobel Prize Winners in Medicine and Physiology.

Alexis Carrel Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology Catholic
John Eccles Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology Catholic
Joseph Murray Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology Catholic
Ernst Chain Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology Jewish
George Wald Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology Jewish
Ronald Ross Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology Christian (denomination?)

Nobel Prize Winners in Chemistry.

Derek Barton Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Christian (denomination?)
Christian Anfinsen Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Jewish
Walter Kohn Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Jewish
Richard Smalley Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Christian (denomination?)

Nobel Prize Winners in Literature.

T.S. Eliot Nobel Laureate in Literature Anglo-Catholic (Anglican)
Rudyard Kipling Nobel Laureate in Literature Anglican
Alexander Solzhenitsyn Nobel Laureate in Literature Russian Orthodox
François Mauriac Nobel Laureate in Literature Catholic
Hermann Hesse Nobel Laureate in Literature Christian; Buddhist
Winston Churchill Nobel Laureate in Literature Anglican
Jean-Paul Sartre Nobel Laureate in Literature Lutheran; Freudian; Marxist; atheist; Messianic Jew
Sigrid Undset Nobel Laureate in Literature Catholic (previously Lutheran)
Rabindranath Tagore Nobel Laureate in Literature Hindu
Rudolf Eucken Nobel Laureate in Literature Christian (denomination?) 
Isaac Singer Nobel Laureate in Literature Jewish

Nobel Peace Prize Winners.

Albert Schweitzer Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Lutheran
Jimmy Carter Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Baptist (former Southern Baptist)
Theodore Roosevelt Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Dutch Reformed; Episcopalian
Woodrow Wilson Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Presbyterian
Frederik de Klerk Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Dutch Reformed
Nelson Mandela Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Christian (denomination?)
Kim Dae-Jung Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Catholic 
Dag Hammarskjold Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Christian (denomination?)
Martin Luther King, Jr. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Baptist
Adolfo Perez Esquivel Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Catholic
Desmond Tutu Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Anglican
John R. Mott Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Methodist

Famous Scientists.

Isaac Newton Founder of Classical Physics and Infinitesimal Calculus Anglican (rejected Trinitarianism; i.e. Athanasianism believed in the Arianism of the primitive church)
Galileo Galilei Founder of Experimental Physics Catholic
Nicolaus Copernicus Founder of Heliocentric Cosmology Catholic (priest)
Johannes Kepler Founder of Physical Astronomy and Modern Optics Lutheran
Francis Bacon Founder of the Scientific Inductive Method Anglican
René Descartes Founder of Analytical Geometry and Modern Philosophy CatholicJohannes Kepler Founder of Physical Astronomy and Modern Optics Lutheran

Nicolaus Copernicus Founder of Heliocentric Cosmology Catholic (priest)

Francis Bacon Founder of the Scientific Inductive Method Anglican
René Descartes Founder of Analytical Geometry and Modern Philosophy Catholic
Blaise Pascal Founder of Hydrostatics, Hydrodynamics, and the Theory of Probabilities Jansenist
Michael Faraday Founder of Electronics and Electro-Magnetics Sandemanian
James Clerk Maxwell Founder of Statistical Thermodynamics Presbyterian; Anglican; Baptist
Lord Kelvin Founder of Thermodynamics and Energetics Anglican
Robert Boyle Founder of Modern Chemistry Anglican
William Harvey Founder of Modern Medicine Anglican
John Ray Founder of Modern Biology and Natural History Calvinist (denomination?)
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz German Mathematician and Philosopher, Founder of Infinitesimal Calculus Lutheran
Charles Darwin Founder of the Theory of Evolution Anglican
Ernst Haeckel German Biologist, the Most Influential Evolutionist in Continental Europe
Thomas H. Huxley English Biologist and Evolutionist, Famous As "Darwin's Bulldog"
Joseph J. Thomson Nobel Laureate in Physics, Discoverer of the Electron,
Founder of Atomic Physics Anglican

Louis Pasteur Founder of Microbiology and Immunology Catholic

Famous Philosophers.
Part V. Great Philosophers (17-
Immanuel Kant One of the Greatest Philosophers in the History of Western Philosophy Lutheran
Jean-Jacques Rousseau Founder of Modern Deism born Protestant;
converted as a teen to Catholic

Voltaire French Philosopher and Historian, One of the Most Influential Thinkers of the Enlightenment raised in Jansenism
David Hume Scottish Empiricist Philosopher, Historian, and Economist,
Founder of Modern Skepticism Church of Scotland (Presbyterian)

Spinoza Dutch-Jewish Philosopher, the Chief Exponent of Modern Rationalism Judaism; later pantheism/deism
Giordano Bruno Italian Philosopher, Astronomer, and Mathematician, Founder of the Theory of the Infinite Universe Catholic
George Berkeley Irish Philosopher and Mathematician, Founder of Modern Idealism,
Famous as "The Precursor of Mach and Einstein" Anglican

John Stuart Mill English Philosopher and Economist,
the Major Exponent of Utilitarianism agnostic; Utilitarian

Richard Swinburne Oxford Professor of Philosophy,
One of the Most Influential Theistic Philosophers PART VI. Other Religious Nobelists

60 more Nobel Prize winners are listed
(32 scientists, 17 writers, 11 Nobel Nobel Peace Laureates) P

 Quotes by 16 individuals about their beliefs about Jesus
- Alexis Carrel
- Albert Einstein
- Arthur Compton
- Robert Millikan
- Francois Mauriac
- Sigrid Undset
- T.S. Eliot
- Mother Theresa
- Albert Schweitzer
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Frederik de Klerk
- John R. Mott
- Kim Dae-Jung
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Jimmy Carter
- Blaise Pascal

Nobel Laureate in Physics Jewish

1 comment:

  1. prof premraj pushpakaran writes -- 2018 marks the 100th birth year of Derek Harold Richard Barton!!!
